Thursday, May 10, 2012

Welcome to my Life(:

Woah, this actually happened, haha I made a BLOG. I've been reading them for a while now, always wondering where these high schoolers had time to post during the year, but now that AP Tests are over (woot woot!) I have like no school left, a summer ahead of me and then my first year of college; yay class of 2012(: I'm going to Tulane University, which is in New Orleans, hence the blog title.
Okay, so back to what I was saying, so today I took the AP English Literature and Composition Test, any APers out there? haha, so basically it was 1 hour of multiple choice reading passages, just like on the SAT, and then 2 hours for three essays. Yeah, my hand was cramping :/ but who cares now, because that was my last AP test and I will be on cloud nine til graduation, June 2nd! Although really, I only have to go to school next week, if I place out of the oceanography exam....more on that later.

So here's some pics from my day, yeah that's right the new blogger came prepared(: I'm gonna have to get used to snapping pics here and there to make this more interesting for you guys, cause I definitely know that I love scrolling through blog posts just to look at the pictures (haha, only if i'm in a hurry, don't worry).

First, I went to IKEA and met up with the grandparents (they love that place!)
lunch at the cafe in IKEA; they have really good food! I got tomato veg soup, smoked salmon, swedish crisp bread (like all the food is from sweden since that's where IKEA like originated maybe?), salad with balsalmic, and the best part: dessert which was this torte, which is the
haha sorry the picture shows my mostly eaten food, I forgot to snap a pic til I was like halfway through ;)

Theres me, with a potato masher, it's for my mom for mother's day don't worry

 I took my lovely dog on a walk after stopping by Trader Joe's (Just fyi, i'm obsessed with that place, and grocery shopping in general(: haha but hey, aren't all foodies!)

 Yeah, she's usually cute, but not the most photogenic, haha I think she is sneezing in the first pic

Grilled up a chicken hot dog, corn and veggies for an amazing meal (don't forget the dipping sauces!)

So yeah, theres my day in pics. I feel weird uploading pics of myself, like seriously who knows what creepers are reading this,.. hmm well hey creepers! and hey any reader, if there is anyone out there, I'm sure you're not creepy(:



  1. Hey Carly! Welcome to the blog world :) I'm so jealous that you graduate so soon. I have to wait until the 19th. I'm so excited though, and you must be too especially since you're going to Tulane! That's such a good school.
