Saturday, June 30, 2012

Foodie Pen Pals: June!

 So as I;m sure you'll have seen all over the blog world, there's this awesome little program set-up by Lindsay at the Lean Green Bean called Foodie Penpals.

 For those of you who are new to this idea or want to learn more about how you can get involved check out the information about the program (and for those of us who have read these paragraphs a couple of times already, just skip to the fun part; the reveal of my package!)

-On the 5th of every month, you will receive your penpal pairing via email. It will be your responsibility to contact your penpal and get their mailing address and any other information you might need like allergies or dietary restrictions.
-You will have until the 15th of the month to put your box of goodies in the mail. On the last day of the month, you will post about the goodies you received from your penpal! 
-The boxes are to be filled with fun foodie things, local food items or even homemade treats! The spending limit is $15. The box must also include something written. This can be anything from a note explaining what’s in the box, to a fun recipe…use your imagination!
-You are responsible for figuring out the best way to ship your items depending on their size and how fragile they are. (Don’t forget about flat rate boxes!)
-Foodie Penpals is open to blog readers as well as bloggers. If you’re a reader and you get paired with a blogger, you are to write a short guest post for your penpal to post on their blog about what you received. If two readers are paired together, neither needs to worry about writing a post for that month. 
-Foodie Penplas is open to US & Canadian residents.  Please note, Canadian Residents will be paired with other Canadians only. We've determined things might get too slow and backed up if we're trying to send foods through customs across the border from US to Canada and vice versa. 
If you’re interested in participating for July, please CLICK HERE to fill out the participation form and read the terms and conditions. 
You must submit your information by July 4th as pairings will be emailed on July 5th!

*If you're from somewhere besides the US, Canada or Europe and want to participate, send me an email and I'll see if we get enough interest this month!

Anywho; if you are still with me, here's a look at what I recieved from the lovely foodie Penpal, Miranda over at Mangoes and Chutney. She did a great job picking up some goodies from Trader Joe's for me this month.

Unfortunately Miranda forgot the note (oops!) haha but her goodies have been enjoyed just as well. I recieved Wasabi Peas (love!) I put them on everything; especially salads. Along with dried mango; I have seen this at Trader Joe's but never tried, I bet it's a sweet treat and I can't wait to dig in. A cute little energy bar (all natural with just seeds, and fruit; yum!) And then an interesting selection of dried salami and crackers. I'm no hater but salami's not really my thing. However, I do plan on trying it, because hey everyone's tastes change and it must be good if she picked it out for me right? (;

If you want to check out the goodies I sent off to Katie at Peas in a blog, check out her pen pal post here. And wow, I just checked out that link, man I am jealous of her new blog layout, so fancy and professional! 

Have you done the foodie pen pal program before? This is my second time doing it and I have to say I'm not sure if I'll do it again (there's so many people now that I feel like all anyone gets anymore is bars and popchips haha)

Friday, June 29, 2012

Let's Make it into a List

Hey Y'allisn't that just so fun to say? (:

So for todays post I decided to make a list, maybe because I like lists, maybe because I don't know what to blog about or maybe because most importantly it will keep my ramblings to a minimum, take your pick, and hey you could keep reading too if you wanna(:

1.  My eats; I'll keep this short because I have a lot of pics from this past week that I just haven't gotten around to posting (too bad I didn't make the WIAW cut-off haha) But I decided in the future to keep these pictures at a minimum because I know everyone gets tired of drooling over my food porn
insert sarcastic sigh here, I realize not all my eats are the prettiest, but they are yummy!
Instead I'll just post for an occasional WIAW, recipes or pictures that are too darn gorgeous to keep from you guys!

 Yes that is an adora calcium disk that I used as my ice cream topper(:




If you haven't already you should try these veggie souffles from Garden Lites, they are super tasty and take like 3 minutes in the microwave (I think they also come in broccoli, zucchini and mixed)

I know the picture on the right is just lovely right; but for these sweet potato fries I used a spiralizer to make them curly-ques! So cute!

I've been lovin' shredded coconut as an oatmeal topper(:

2. I went up to Boone, NC this past weekend with my friend to surprise my dad after he rode a 100 mile race (seriously, he is a crazy biker!) He was definitely shocked to see me but the drive up was fun and he even took us out to lunch(:

A funky burrito from a place called Black Cat; it was called "Peanut Satay Burrito" and it had broccoli, carrots, chicken and a peanut sauce

3. I plan on making these as soon as possible

4. I entered a giveaway here to win a Whole Foods giftcard because it is a blessing that I don't have one near me, but look-out because there is one in New Orleans #herecomestrouble #imgonnabebrokeinnotime

5.  I've been babysitting like a mad lady recently; but thats not an issue because I need the money to keep rolling in (haha, like I said, I have expensive foodie habits)

Haha look at her nose!

6. I have been doing things other than taking pictures of food and babysitting, I've been going to the pool frequently and trying to read my summer reading (ugh) but it's really hard to get into. Especially when your friends want to do more talking than actual tanning and lounging(: I still love them, don't worry!

7. It's been hot hot hot! But I'm still walking the dog and trying to stay in the sunshine (to get a nice tan of course) well; tan for me at least(:

Okay so it wasn't that hot when I walked the dog and the temperature went down after I began driving, but still! I think it's been hotter everywhere so I'm sure you guys understand(: right?

I'll leave with with the lucky number seven, but look out for my Foodie Penpal reveal post tomorrow and a recap of my June Powermeal a day challenge!


Friday, June 22, 2012


Hey readers! Lately I've been taking it slow, sleeping in ('til 12) and going to an occasional XC workout (yes, I realize I have graduated haha).

I've also been working out, chasing chickens (haha, my sister and I are petsitting; they are cute, but oh so fast!) and recieving packages (yay, can't wait for the foodie pen pal reveals!)

goodmi 00:28 09:22 pace
Critical Threshold Run

alright1400 yd 00:30 37:42 pace
Followed by a 20 minute easy stationary bike ride at the Y!

good2.3 mi 00:19 08:24 pace
2 mile PPM run

greatCardio funk 01:00

Oh and I finally got around to posting that picture of my inspiration board(:

See that cute little kitty? Look familiar? Check him out at STUFT Mama's blog. She sent them out for readers and bloggers to send her pics (I'll let ou know if any of my pics are featured in her posts). You can look at an example of a previous post here.

 So yesterday I FINALLY cleaned my room. Like I had things that I never unpacked from May (yikes!) I just hate unpacking and I have been on so many trips lately with lots of overlap, so I never got around to it. But luckily my room is looking pretty spiffy now(: And for that I rewarded myself with a little relaxin in the sunshine.

I finally finished Mockingjay on my kindle! What did you guys think of it? I thought it was a little bleh, too drawn out and a disappointing ending :/

Check out my new button bracelet I just made(: All I did was take some hemp and thread all these old buttons through it. You can even use those buttons that come with shirts or sweaters in the little plastic baggies (That you know you will never use; I mean come on, how could you find them when your button breaks, haha I have like a bizillion)

Oh and I just wanted to share a little makeup tip with you guys; To get extra curly eyelashes (because mine are naturally short and flat) you take a blow-dryer and then heat up your curling iron for a few seconds (not too long or you may burn yourself!). But I do it and it really makes my eyelashes look longer and fuller! I'm not too big on makeup but I'll usually just put on some tinted SPF moisturizer and mascara. I really like Covergirl's mascara...anyways onto some recent eats;

A massive (read:way too much) salad that I didn't even get to finish filled with the rest of my chicken salad, a soft boiled egg, more cabbage, tomatoes, chopped veggies on a bed of greens

A bowl of cantaloupe filled with cereal and berries (underneath)

Some amazeballs Peanut butter S'mores Egg White Oats inspired by Heather

 Mid- and Post-toppings [I like to go all out(: hehe]

I guess I like massive bowls/plates of food; because there's my 15'' Macbook for size comparison (but it was soooo good)

What's our favorite oatmeal combination? I think I'm going to give tahini and chocolate one last go around..

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My eats round dos; A little WIAW action

So here's some more of my eats from this past week and an actual day in the life; haha because I know you love just oogling over my pictures of food(: But hey, I do love looking at other's WIAWs because I use them as inspiration, especially when I'm in a rut! Thanks Jenn for hosting(:

So first we have Monday's eats (all of them; I know right, I'm getting fancy now :p)

Let's say 12:00 pm because I got up pretty late that day

Pumpkin Egg White Oats (am I the only one who enjoys it year round?) but wait, get this, they aren't just pumpkin oats, they are Pumpkin BBQ Egg White oats a la wildberry jelly, coconut butter, alm/cash/peanutbutter mix, blackberries and blueberries with a little cinnamon life, grape nuts, kashi cinnamon hearts and some shredded coconut action

2 pm snack
sensible snack~

Handfuls of raw okra x4 (or so haha)

Now we are at my mid-day lunchish; 3pm?

Oh look my dog! haha; she was lounging out in the nice sunshine with me. I was just eatin up my Cinnamon Canteloupe Chia Chiller (i'm liking the alliterations) I based it off this recipe, but I added chia seeds, vanilla extract, xanthan gum and protein powder.

Shall we say 4pm
Sensible snack~

 A snackity snack, Peanutbutter frozen popcorn

5:45pm before my Cardio Funk Class (yes I'm addicted; but the teacher is amazing!)

Chicken salad on a bed of lettuce and arugula with salsa and scoopers (sunchips, flaxseed chips, ricecakes and pretzels)

Sensible snack/dessert~
A little dancin fuel; one of my energy bites!

8:30 pm

 Frozen dessert mess of course (this one had pistachio pudding mix, vanilla protein powder, shredded zucchini along with the fixins, topped with strawbs, freezedried strawbs, chocolate, cacao nibs and a banana bread muffin

Now I'll just dump the rest of my recent eats on ya(: hehe

 Failed crockpot oats on the left and a frozen dessert mess on the right (I realize I'm bad with promises)

2-egg omelet topped with salsa served with roasted dill squash, canteloupe and another fail, a dry pancake haha. And on the right a yummy waffle with soynuts, freezedried strawbs, oreo crumbles and cacao nibs, topped with peanutflour syrup and a sliced nanners (success!)

 Whole-wheat bagel with chicken salad and jalapeƱo jack yogurt cheese

Served alongside red cabbage with avacado, walnuts, wilted arugula and spiralized squash with sauteed mushrooms, tj's seafood medley and marinara, (the bagel is hidden under the lettuce) 

 Part two of my breakfast today (part one went unpictured; a waffle with ssb and bloobs)
This is popped amaranth with a banana cream smoothie (a la incredible greens), strawbs and freezedried bananas and strawberries, cracklin oat bran and shredded coconut

Almond milk "ice-cream" made with chocolate protein powder topped with cocoa "puff"-ins, cacao nibs, sliced nanner, chocolate and blackberries