Saturday, February 28, 2015

Don't Put the TP in the toilet!

Alright, important Chilean things I learned today...
"Nanas' are live in maids that are more included in the family than typically seen in the US. They raise the children, cook, clean and are really a member of the family. Alejandra (one of our academic advisors) said that they are typically Peruvian and stay with the family for generations. However, my host family does not have one. Speaking of which, includes a mother/daughter team. They have had many students (like 10 :o) and have been incredibly nice. They appear to eat very similarly to how I do, with many vegetables and fruits in the kitchen and even yogurt(: Tonight we had hamburgers which I find slightly hilarious. We had them with fresh bread, avocado and tomato slices. The conversation has been simple and never uncomfortable. I have a really nice room with a view of the backyard, palm trees and a breeze. On a sidenote, I have learned that we actually can't put the toilet paper in the toilet here...oye. Just like Costa Rica; that habit is so hard to break!
Another thing we learned today about Chilean culture had me realize that I should probably do some more reading about the culture and history of this country, even in their most recent political era of Pinochet. Additionally the dispute between Argentina and ChileBolivia/Peru and Chile and also the segregation of Mapuche (person of the land; mapu=tierra y che= person).
Lastly, una "sobremesa" is what Chileans call the conversational time they have after a long lunch or dinner, especially on the weekend when the family spends time together. Such a nice tradition that reminds me of out Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. Slow and enjoyable- just like most of our meals have been here. They have most always included an appetizer, entree and dessert (at the restaurants) and have typically been at least 1.5 hours long. Another cultural tradition is the idea of eating breakfast in the morning, lunch and then "once" which is when you get home from school/work (around 4) and then dinner is typically later, maybe 8 or 9.
Back to the big picture- The daughter, Camila has a boyfriend who was around all night but he is incredibly sweet as well. Camila is going to medical school and "Mama Isabel" works at a publications office for a magazine or something. We are only about 15 minutes from the central city and campuses which is really nice and tomorrow Camila is going to show me how to take the bus (I only have to take one!- score) straight to campus. I am also hopefully going to an "asado" (BBQ) after orientation is over to meet up with some of my classmates and some Chileans.

My first Chocolat in Chile

So last night we ventured out to see what the nightlife was all about. Apparently theres something called Miercoles Po (po is just a nonsense word kinda like umm...i don't understand either..). Anywho, its a type of carrete (fiesta) for foreigners that goes on every Wednesday in this part of the city. We got in to this "Club Chocolat" for free and were given VIP passes! ( you didn't think i actually had chocolate did you?(; because I have yet to experience that one..) First drinks were free (Corona or Pisco Sour) and we got a nice balcony view. I met two other american girls who were traveling and also many Columbian and Chilean boys.
Other highlights included the first purchase of Chilean wine (3 dollahs a bottle!) and a witnessing of an escort of our dear friend Will who proceeded to puke all over the club floor...and last but not least, my friend lost her toenail. oye. Don't worry- I managed to only pay for my bottle of wine- thereby exploiting the free drink, my lightweight status and a bonus guarantee of no hangover(;


apagarse la tele- blackout drunk
caña, hachazo- hangover
huevón- dude or fool
cabro- chico
perno, ñoño- nerd
andar a lo gringo- weird
carrete- fiesta con amigos
copete, guagua- alcoholic drink (general term for drink)
quedar arriba de la pelota- buzzed
chela, pilsen- cerveza
hacer vaca- chip in, contribute
cahcar, cachái- get it?
bacán, filete- cool
cuico- snob, pretentious, wealthy
perro, perrito- screw up (hombre)
pololo- novio casual
curado- boracho
fome- bored
flaite- street kids, rebels
mijita rica- cat call

voseo= informal tú o vosotoros chilean style
--cómo estái

"ch" pronuncia como t o sh
"s" no pronuncia si a la final de la palabra o final de silaba
"-d/-d" no pronuncia si termina en d como verdá

ensalada chileana- tomato, cebolla
cazuela- sopa con papas, maíz y carne
macha- clam
pebre- salsa chileana
choclo- corn
palta- avocado
sopaipilla- fried dough
hotdog- completo
poroto con cholco- plato de verano con frijoles blancas, choclo
choclo humitas- tamales con solo choclo

Oye with the Poodles already

So theres a funny phrase from Danielle's favorite childhood show...Gilmore Girls! Don't ask me what it means but I think it makes a fine alternative for oye díos (it's spanish, I bet you can figure it out). Anywho, I successfully arrived in Santigao Chile this morning after 2 airport security lines, a few awkward attempts at a conversation in spanish and one last minute starbucks ham sandwich (thank god they were open at 8pm, when apparently the Miami airport decides to close down all other food options).
I sat next to a guy who I am pretty sure is from Uruguay (obviously he over-estimated my spanish speaking abilities and was talking quite fast so its possible he was from ParaGUAY- thats all I got lol) and it wasn't a bad flight at all! I slept, watch an episode of Modern Family in spanish (to challenge myself ya know) and eventually watched the same episode in english just to make sure I really laughed at all the right parts(: Upon arrival we have merely ate, talked and drank some lovely pisco sours and chilean wine. It has been lovely and I love it already here, especially the weather which has been sunshiny 60s. It is crazy how many friends I feel like I have this early in the game, but truly these are great people. You would know that by my hysterical laughing fit at dinner (although perhaps my second glass of wine contributed to the hysteria too..). I think I've found my food and most importantly, my wine! 
View from the Hotel- Santiago Central
The Krewe
Notable food performances include a ribeye ('lomo' carne de vacuna), empanadas, chilean salsa (pebre), ensalada chilean (tomates y cebolla), a traditional corn pie (pastel de choclo- con aceites, cebolla, choclo y carne) some fresh avocado (palta) and an interesting dessert of a rehydrated peach drink with wheat (I did not order this strange concoction but I tried a few bites....interesting, very interesting. Thats all the stories I have for today folks. xoxo